Contact Us: 715-497-6984
Services Offered:
Fertilizing & Weed Control Services
4 Step Program:
Step 1 - Fertilizer/Crabgrass pre-emergent. This will help repair the lawn from winter stress and green up the lawn quicker in the spring. The pre-emergent will help control crabgrass, foxtail, and other weedy grasses from emerging later in the season.
Step 2 - Slow-release fertilizer/broadleaf weed control. This application will help improve density, and give the lawn the nutrients it needs to prepare the lawn for the upcoming summer stresses. This is the optimal time for broadleaf weed control to control dandelions, clover and other broadleaf weeds, including ground ivy.
Step 3 - Slow-release fertilizer/weed control-This application will help sustain the growth and color of your grass. Different weeds germinate and grow at different times of the year so this will also control broadleaf weeds that may have grown since the last application.
Step 4 - Winterizer application-This application will provide carbohydrate storage in the root system essential for overwintering with improved turf health next year. This is also a great time to treat for some tough to control weeds such as ground ivy(creeping Charlie)
Grub Control Services
Grub Control
Grubs are "c" shaped beetle larva that are hatched in the soil beneath your lawn.
When they hatch, grubs feed on the roots of your grass causing irregularly shaped dead patches that appear in your lawn in the late summer or early fall.
We apply a preventative solution for season long control that will help prevent grubs from damaging your lawn, We can also provide a curative solution if there is an existing infestation.
Pest Control Services
Perimeter Pest Control - Helps protect the interior of your home from structure invading insects such as boxelder bugs, Asian beetles, spiders, ants, and many more!
Standard timing is spring, summer and fall. We can tailor applications to fit your needs! This service provides excellent results at an affordable price!
Rodent Control - We also provide rodent control solutions to residential homes and cabins. We check the exterior for "hotspots" and seal up areas (where applicable) or inform homeowner if construction services needs to be done to keep these rodents out.
We then do interior trapping to trap out the already inside infestation as well as put out rodenticide on exterior to keep population at bay.